Careers at Meppershall Academy

Meppershall Church of England Academy is a highly popular and successful village primary school set in the heart of the village of Meppershall.  With 120 pupils on roll across Reception to Year 4 at our Meppershall site and a further 102 pupils housed at Henlow Church of England Academy, with whom we are part of Poppy Hill Church of England Multi Academy Trust. 


Our vibrant sense of community and Meppershall Values really come alive on a daily basis.  Our staff comprises 9 teachers and 12 support staff.  The Senior Management Team is substantively the Head of School, Assistant Headteacher, School Business Manager and the SENDCo.


The school’s commitment to learning extends to staff as well as pupils: across the trust there is a well-developed structure for ECTs and other new members of staff, and a strong culture of ongoing professional development among our teaching and support staff. We are continually looking to develop innovative approaches to learning with an increasing focus on collaborative learning.


As a school, Meppershall has high expectations and sets very high standards. We aim to provide a caring, safe, happy environment in which children’s learning can be nurtured; and in which all staff can work effectively as part of a friendly and supportive team.


We are proud of Meppershall Church of England Academy’s ethos and of our values of Love of God, Love of life, Love of learning and Love of each other which underpin all activities and relationships within our school and our community.


If you would like more information about any of our vacancies please contact Mrs Ann Halford on 01462 813293 or email


The school is committed to safeguarding and the welfare of pupils and expects staff to share that commitment.  The school operates safer recruitment practices and the successful applicant will be subject to DBS Clearance.